The introduction
Let me just start by saying that I don't like boys. It’s not that I don’t respect them or sometimes laugh at their jokes, but in general I find them uninspiring. A man never gets me excited about life. Maybe it’s because as women we’re raised to doubt everything about ourselves, and that builds a sort of character, humour, intelligence and creativity a guy never can get. A man takes things for granted, always gets to come during sex, and is used to have girls look up to him just because society said so. And it makes men boring.
But unfortunately for me I am attracted to guys as well as girls, and in the search of the perfect boy toy I keep finding myself in rather peculiar situations. That is what this blog is about: those weird little moments when I leave someone’s flat at 3am, hysterically laughing. The fetishes, mixed signals, bad make out sessions and the occasionally great orgasms. I will tell you all about it. Enjoy.
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